Monday, February 26, 2007

All seems to be going well?

I am getting worried because things seem to be under control and I keep thinking that I have missed something!

Since my last post I have have finalised my planting schedule and have started a few crops in the greenhouse.

I have only have about 1/3 of the plot left to dig. Areas which have not been dug are still under the black matting.

On 27 January I seeded 30 broad bean plants. These have been in the green house for 4 weeks and are all doing well.

Last weekend I finished a small raised bed and put in 70 shallots.

This weekend (25th Feb) I have prepared another bed and put in 12 Jerusalem Artichokes tubers. I have never grown these before so I have given them small plot in between the rhubarb and onions.

I have also seeded the following in the greenhouse:
Cabbage (Greyhound)
Tom Thumb lettuce

The next few weeks

This is roughly what I am aiming to do over the next few weeks, I have found it best not to make too big a plan for the next 8 weeks as I find I end up changing my mind:

03-Mar - Seed Parsnip/Leeks /Peas/Radish/Beetroot in the greenhouse
10-Mar - Nothing
17-Mar - Seed Parsnip/Leeks /Peas/Radish/Beetroot & Plant out (Jan) Broad Beans
24-Mar - Plant Early Spuds
31-Mar - Seed Parsnip/Leeks /Peas/Radish/Beetroot

Also I have started to work on the other half of the allotment - this is quite overgrown but I have started to clear this in the hope that I could get some stuff in later in the year.

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