I think it was quite easy to get carried away in early March as it was quite warm but this was followed by a cold spell - and it even snowed (& stuck) (pitched, says the wife who's from the West Country) in Henley town which has not happened for a couple of years.
So I have been quite careful in what I have been doing and only last weekend (31st March) did I plant my potatoes. Essentially March has been further preparation and seeding in the gereenhouse.
3rd March I seeded quite a lot of peas and broad beans (short pod - Sutton), radish, carrots and some lettuce, summer cabbage and brocolli in the greenhouse at home
th - I planted out the broad beans that had been in the greenhouse for 1 month, they are the long pod variety.
th March - planted more broad beans (Sutton) directly into the ground - seeded some lettuce under cloches in the ground
31st March - Planted early potatoes - seeded the runner beans in the greenhouse
I have also nearly finished digging over the beds with just one left. I have also built the canes for the runner beans.
So it looks like I am all set - I feel pretty confident that I have things under control - though I think I am running out of space..........