Wednesday, August 09, 2006

At last some seeds are in!!!!

As you can see from the pictures the allotment looks a lot different from how it did in June. Sometimes I have felt like I have not been getting anywhere but having seen the photos the place does look a lot different.

After some further digging I have been able to sow a few seeds in the hope they can be harvested before winter sets in. I have planted beetroot, carrots, turnips, spinach and some mixed lettuce. I have also transplanted my strawberry plants form the back garden along with 18 strawberry plants I got from the local garden centre for £1.47 - bargain. I would have planted some winter potatoes but the useless supplier - has so far taken 2 weeks to post them - how difficult can it be!

Over the next few months I will dig up the remainder of the allotment in 1 yard strips; this way you can see progress and not get too disheartened. Once I have dug each strip over I will cover it with black plastic in readiness for spring. I am currently using blue sheets and these are not ideal as they do let some light through and hence weeds can grown underneath.

I also need to tackle the small problem of a wasp's nest that is in the middle of the allotment. I did have a good go at drowning the buggers and filling in the the holes so hopefully that may have done the trick!

Also you will see that there are 3 yellow seats on the allotment - these are in fact part of the subs bench from Wigan Athletic's old ground Springfield Park!